Vincent Zhu

Atlanta, Georgia

Student at the Georgia Institute of TechnologyStudent|

Name: Vincent Zhu

Email: [email protected]

Linkedin: vinzhu07

Github: vinzhu07

About Me

My name is Vincent Zhu. I am a fourth year computer science student at Georgia Tech, with goals of graduating in Spring 2024. I am seeking a full time job starting August 2024, and am an aspiring software engineer with an interest in databases. Welcome to my personal website, which contains both my resume and things about me.


My resume.


BuzzDash (HackGT 2022)

A website for Georgia Tech students to buy and sell excess meal swipes and dining dollars.

Rideshare Prototype

A prototype of an Uberlike ridesharing application using Amazon Web Services.

OSCAR Autofill

A Chrome extension built to enhance the use of Georgia Tech's registration system, OSCAR.

EC2 Dataplane LSE Simulator

I built a training tool for the Dataplane and LSE team at AWS for use with new hires.

Bank Management Website

Used MySQL and ReactJS to build an application that allowed users to login, alter MYSQL data, and display stats for my CS 4400 final.


Please visit for current posts.
A collection of various articles I write about things I do. By no means am I a writer, so expect errors :)

My bridge journey to this day.

Summer 2022

My recap of summer 2022


My participation in FBLA

TAG-ED LexisNexis Risk Solutions Coding Camp

My experience at a summer camp hosted by LexisNexis Risk Solutions and Tag-ed. I created a trip planner that uses Google Maps API.